Sunday, November 30, 2008

Caribbean Cruise Continued

We had a fantastic time on the Maasdam, but the best part of the trip was being with my sweet mom and sisters.

Some might find the matching tee shirts a bit odd, but we had a great time picking them out in the ship's shops our first 3 days at sea.

Mom and Lynn opted for the blue.

The ship had a lot of interesting art displayed throughout the ship. Here's Lynn and Mom posing in front of an elaborate carving sitting in one of the passage ways. I'm not sure if Lynn was trying to dry out her ears after a couple of days at sea, or just doing her best to come up with an interesting pose. But either way, she was great fun to be with.

Another shot of us aboard the Maasdam. Our first three days were spent at sea, so there was plenty of time to explore the ship and snap pictures of every interesting place we discovered.

Jenny will be disappointed to learn that after her hours of tutoring me over Thanksgiving weekend, on the art of blogging and posting pictures, that it took me over an hour to figure out this post. I must have downloaded 10-15 pictures, only to have them disappear every time I tried to move things around like she showed me. Naturally, when she did it, everything worked perfectly. But when I would try to "click and drag" things would disappear or become distorted. I think I need a few more lessons! However, I will persevere and on the morrow, I promise to try again. If the Gods are with me, I will take you from the ship to some of the islands we toured.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Here's a teaser picture from my cruise.

More pictures to come...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I wanted to tell you all about our wonderful Halloween night, hosted by Amy (Hot Pants). But it won't be much of a post unless I can figure out how to add the pictures I took of our darling grandchildren. Darn! I can't get it figured out, so I will have to wait until I can get Sara to come and help. But we did have a great time and the costumes were wonderful and Amy's tortellini soup was outstanding and Katie's potato cheese soup was a hit and Sara made us some fantastic cheese fondue and the grandkids were super cute. For verification of all of these details, look to the girl's blogs, since they got all of the computer smarts and I'm a complete failure. :( My favorite part of the evening was when the kids got home from trick or treating and Winnie dumped her candy out on the floor and proceeded to take a bite and/or lick of each piece. Once she completed her sampling, she abandoned the gooey mess and Atticus came along and took up where she left off. I have a great picture of him with a handful of suckers he toddled off with.