Sunday, November 2, 2008


I wanted to tell you all about our wonderful Halloween night, hosted by Amy (Hot Pants). But it won't be much of a post unless I can figure out how to add the pictures I took of our darling grandchildren. Darn! I can't get it figured out, so I will have to wait until I can get Sara to come and help. But we did have a great time and the costumes were wonderful and Amy's tortellini soup was outstanding and Katie's potato cheese soup was a hit and Sara made us some fantastic cheese fondue and the grandkids were super cute. For verification of all of these details, look to the girl's blogs, since they got all of the computer smarts and I'm a complete failure. :( My favorite part of the evening was when the kids got home from trick or treating and Winnie dumped her candy out on the floor and proceeded to take a bite and/or lick of each piece. Once she completed her sampling, she abandoned the gooey mess and Atticus came along and took up where she left off. I have a great picture of him with a handful of suckers he toddled off with.


ManicMandee said...

Oh Mary, getting photos on your posts is super easy! Have Sara teach you. Like the old adage "Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day, teach a man to put a photo on his blog, he can post photos every day."

E said...

I'm so glad you're bogging. Two in a row? Sweet. I hope you figure out pictures soon. If not, I'll give you a lesson when I'm in Idaho. Your Halloween sounded very fun.

PS That's not how Sara spells Wini(<--she spells it like that)

Cristin said...

Awww, I can't wait till your girls teach you how to add's gonna totally change your world!

Sounds like you guys had a great Halloween.

Vegas Family said...

Glad to see your blogging.

Sounds like you had a great time.
We missed the treat or treating but saw people dressed in great costumes.

We need photos they definately make the post.

Mary said...

I managed to find the pictures icon, but I couldn't find the pictures in my computer. I've been promised a lesson by both Amy and Sara when I get back from my cruise, so hopefully...

Liked the old adage, Amanda!

Hazel said...

That was a good time. The fondue was so good. I have molten cheese burns all over my mouth for proof.