Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday Family Dinner

We had so much fun getting together for Sunday dinners last December, we decided to do it again this year. Gus and I
took the first Sunday and I was so clever to lay out my camara so that I would remember to get lots of great pictures
of our fun evening together. But, sadly, I still forgot all about the pictures until the Strassers had already left and the
Thurstons and Morgans were packing up their broods to leave. I managed to get them to gather by the tree before they
left so that I could get at least two pictures to record the evening for posterity!

Tom, Katie, Thomas, Violet, Hazel, and Atticus Morgan

Dwight, Amy, Howie, Ella, Bailey, and Calvin Thurston

Sorry I don't have a picture of the Strasser family to share, but they were there!

We had a great ham dinner, played a couple of games, and visited. I'm already looking forward to
next Sunday at Amy and Dwight's. Dwight's already working on some exotic dishes for the night.
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Cristin said...

YAY! I remember last year, at least there wasn't a huge snow storm this time. :) I can't wait to find out what Dwight makes.

E said...

Oh man! I'm missing all the fun.

ManicMandee said...

I can feel the fun vicariously. It's always a good time with the Morgan family.

Lynn Cooper said...

Nice picture Mary! Sounds like a great idea for December!! Thanks for sharing the activites. The grandkids are sure growing!

Unknown said...

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