Monday, August 10, 2009

What Did You Learn in Primary Today?

I get such a kick out of little kids. I love to have long conversations with
them and get their view on things.
Yesterday, after church, I asked Wini what she learned in Primary.

Without missing a beat, she answered, "I learned that if you sit very
still they will give you some cereal!"
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eekareek said...

She is all about the food....just like her mommy!

Maddie said...

It's gonna take a little more than cereal for me to sit still through church

ManicMandee said...

So cute. Those cheeks confirm Sara's statement.

Emily said...

I'm SERIOUS, I want to borrow that girl! Ask Sara when I can come get her.

Hot Pants said...

Howie told me his new teacher's name is Brother Christ. He said, "you know, like Jesus Christ." His teacher's name is really Brother Price. <--I just thought you might like people to know what some of your other grandchildren were like;)

Mary said...

Hey, Amy, give the material and I'll post it!

E said...
