Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wild skip-bo party


Hot Pants said...

Dang you gize and your good times!

ShelBailey said...

Oh fine, we leave and THEN you party.

Are we having another one next weekend?

Anna B said...

It's good to see Grandma up and playing her beloved Skipo. Hope your hanging in there too.

Markie23 said...

Those ultimate drinks look good too.

Emily said...

You all sure know how to have a good time. Glad Grandma was up for it. That must mean she's doing better? Give her a big hug from me and give yourself a big hug from me for taking such great care of Grandma.

When do my parents get back?

Hazel said...

I love that game. Next time...

ManicMandee said...

I bet you are playing skip-bo like there is no tomorrow over there. Glad to see Grandma up and perky.

E said...

It was a fun, if short, lil visit.