Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hot Tubbin' It

There were lots of things to entertain us at the Family Thingy, but hanging out in the hot tub
seemed to be one of the favorites for the younger set.
You can't tell it from these pictures, but it was breezy and in the 50's outside
as these brave youngsters donned their suits and headed into the warm waters of
the HOT TUB.
Sara and Amanda were the life guards on duty at this session.
Amanda is keeping warm thru pregnancy, but Sara is appropriately bundled up in her ski coat,
indicating her arrival at adulthood.
Only kiddies, like Tucker, shown here, can brave those temperatures
soaking wet.

Howie is obviously having a fabulous time, despite the cool temperature. Keep looking, as this is just the first of 3 in the series on Hot Tubbin' It
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