Saturday, June 20, 2009

Check Out This Place!

While in Las Vegas, Jenny and Erin took us to this great museum and park, called The Spring Preserve, where we had a fantastic day with everyone. There were tons of displays, fabulous gift shop, and this extremely creative park that I'm focusing this post on.

This is Cord checking out a giant bird's nest.

There were so many places to climb and explore.

Here's Gus E. up on some rocks that rival those at the City of Rocks!

Frances and Homer found this little train more to their liking, though.

This is a better view of that giant bird nest.

Frances wasn't much for climbing up high, but she didn't mind posing on this huge snake.

Even Gus got in on the fun.

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the other fun spots at
The Springs Preserve is Las Vegas.


Emily said...

How cool! Wish we had a place like that around here.

Cristin said...

How totally fun!!! Except for the giant snake...ewww...even fake snakes give me the willies.