Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Out of Town Guests

I've missed blogging and keeping up on all of the happenings with my favorite bloggers. I've had a few things holding me back: 1. Nothing to blog about 2. Setting up, learning to use, and playing with my new Iphone 3. Out of town company.

We did have a great time with our friends the Belt's who flew out to Idaho to get in a quick visit. We had fun eating, visiting, eating, playing games, and eating. Amy was kind enough to give us her old deck of Five Crowns to entertain ourselves with. They were a bit sticky, but that just added to the fun.

I'm leaving on Thursday to go to Bakersfield to stay with mom for 3 weeks, so I may not get to do any blogging for awhile (unless Memsy wants to come over and train me to blog on my Iphone). But I'll look forward to catching up when I get back. Try not to have too much fun without me.

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's All Jenny's Fault!

It's back!!!!!

I just measured 8 inches out there and it's still coming down hard.

But I don't even care, because Jenny talked me into one of these.....

...and I need a day indoors to play with it, download applications, input information, and maybe even make a few phone calls.
Unfortunately I've been too weak to make any New Year's resolutions yet.
I needed to make one about not spending money before I talked to Jenny!
Too late now....thank goodness!
This is a fun toy!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Look Whose in Town!

We had a great 'Girl's Night Out' (:o( sad that Katie couldn't join us)!!
We started our evening out at our favorite restaurant:
Anna, Amy, Sara, and me behind the camera.
A very good spot for me.

Then over to Amy's for some fun:
Five Crown's, Sequence, and.....

...some unnamed word game that Katie would have loved
(it's a shame she had a previous engagement).

Thanks, girls, for including the old lady.
I have no idea how long the games continued into the night, because I had to have Gus come and pick me up due to the fact that I'm old and need to be in bed no later than 11:00 on a Friday night.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year's

Our New Year's Eve wasn't much to talk about, but New Year's Day
brought some fun guests.
Gus invited the Strassers over for a late (very late) breakfast.
Despite the late hour, there were a few in the bunch that were roused from their beds
and brought over as they were, in order to get in on the meal.

Hope you all had a great day that lasts all year long!