Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Day in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

After a night of bouncing around on rough seas, it always
felt good to set our feet on solid ground.
This is one of my best pictures of our ship.

Lynn is posing with the island in the
background. Lots of lush vegetation!

This is a view of the port town of
Charlotte Amalie.

Many of these islands, at one time, were big
sugar cane producers and the windmills were
used to grind the sugar cane.

A view of the island from our ship.

We were going to try to convince people that the
rusty barge in the background was our ship.
But you gize are all too smart for that, right?

Liz, Lynn, and Mom all feeling hot and sticky and ready
to say adios to St. Thomas, and board the old Maasdam
where the air conditioning is set low and the buffet awaits!

One last look at St. Thomas as the ship pulls out of port.

Join me again tomorrow when I'll introduce you to one of my favorite islands,
St. Kitts


Hot Pants said...

Looks like I need to take a trip to St Thomas. I wish I was hot and sticky right now.

ManicMandee said...

That place looks beautiful. Lucky ducks!

Hazel said...

Tom said St. Thomas was his favorite stop on the cruise. I think he is just proud to be a part of the history. He told me many stories of his sainthood. Puts mother Theresa to shame.
That rusty boat is probably a pirate ship. I heard pirates are making a comeback.

Memzy said...

I have really missed all these posts! Well now at least I have you on my blog reader thingy. We went to all those stops when Shed and I cruised last spring. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

You look so hot in every picture mommy

E said...

Can't wait to meet St. Kitts and I'm not even Catholic.

And I think you sound beautiful in that video so there's no way I'm taking it down.