Monday, December 22, 2008

Yikes! He's on the Snowplow Again!

Gus is loved by all of our neighbors for his willingness to
plow the snow off everyone's sidewalks and driveways.
What a guy!

Oops! Is that our neighbor, Bill?


Markie23 said...

Love the hat... love the goggles... but most of all, love the shirt!

Anna B said...

We are getting slammed out here too. Please make it stop.

Hot Pants said...

I feel like watching Christmas Vacation now. Dad looks like cousin Eddy.

E said...

Tell dad that's inappropriate.

ManicMandee said...

I need Gus here! My van got stuck in the snow twice today.

Hazel said...

Next time I have to drive out to Nampa in the snow, I am going to have Gus plow the whole way there, including my driveway. It took me four tries to get into the garage.

I am reminded, Tom said that Gus said not to get a shovel, there was something else more effective...was that the alternative?

Cristin said...

Does Gus want to make a road trip to oregon so I can get out of my driveway???

Where did he get that shirt???

Mary said...

Cristin, that shirt was a bday present from his grand kids. Check with Becky if you want one. Also, the snow is deep enough around here that Gus is having a hard time even getting the tractor out of our driveway!

Emily said...

How fun, snow and all! Merry Christmas!